Synchronous Learning Benefits: From Student Engagement to Teacher Retention

Synchronous learning is an educational format that allows students to communicate in real-time with a teacher and classmates. It includes both in-person and online learning on platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
What are the Benefits of Synchronous Learning?
Researchers have closely studied synchronous and asynchronous learning environments to better understand the pros and cons of each educational format. They've found synchronous learning offers multiple benefits that can't be derived from an asynchronous learning environment.
Increased Student Engagement
It's far easier for students to engage with peers and a teacher in a synchronous learning environment than in an asynchronous learning environment. The additional engagement promotes fast exchanges of information as students benefit from asking a teacher their own questions and listening to fellow learners ask questions and get answers.
Student engagement helps learners pay attention in class and can boost understanding of the learning material. Researchers found that students involved in active learning sessions got better test scores than those who simply listened to a lecture on the topic. Ironically, while those who listened to an expert lecture felt they learned better than those who participated in an active class, the end result showed that active learning delivered the best results.

Greater Accountability and Self-Discipline
It takes far more self-discipline to take an asynchronous learning course at your own pace than it does to attend a scheduled synchronous learning class at a set time each day. What's more, synchronous in-person and online learning promotes accountability for handing in homework and other assignments. After all, it's a lot harder to turn in work late if you know you'll have to talk to a live person about missing a deadline than it is to simply upload a file after the deadline.
However, greater accountability isn't just about the negative reaction a student may get if he or she doesn't turn in homework on time. Students who perform well in a synchronous in-person or online learning environment see immediate, positive reactions from the teacher and their peers. They gain immediate benefits from the effort they put into learning the course material in class and on their own. This increases personal accountability as they feel responsible for not letting their teacher and peers down.
Collaboration and Community Building
Multiple studies show that synchronous classes that offer collaboration and community-building opportunities provide students with invaluable learning skills. These include:
- Improved intrinsic motivation
- A positive attitude toward the subject at hand
- A boost in self-esteem
- Added enjoyment
- Increased perceived autonomy
- An increase in a student's sense of responsibility
- A boost in motivation to improve one's studies
An asynchronous learning environment can offer some interaction opportunities via discussion boards and chat rooms. However, it doesn't provide the same benefits as a face-to-face environment. Students in a synchronous learning atmosphere can talk to each other in person. They see each other regularly, in real time, and interact more and better than learners in asynchronous courses.
Teachers can build on the intrinsic benefits of a synchronous classroom by giving students the opportunity to get to know each other. Some good ways to do this include:
- Allowing new learners to tell a bit about themselves before the start of class.
- Tailoring instruction so it relates to student interests, ethnic background, and geographic location.

Immediate Feedback
Learners in a synchronous online learning environment or in-person class get immediate answers to questions during class. This enables the class to grasp important concepts faster than would be possible in an asynchronous learning environment.
What's more, immediate feedback isn't just about grasping study material. If a student has an emergency and needs accommodations, the teacher will find out about it right away and be able to offer needed assistance. If students have concerns about test scores, homework, or other class-related issues, they can get help quickly.
Creating a Supportive Environment for Facilitators
Building an inclusive educational community and providing plenty of opportunities for two-way communication doesn't just benefit students. It also helps teachers feel respected as they see the difference they are making in each learner's life.
The teacher shortage crisis is real, and it affects schools of all sizes and types, in just about every state in the U.S. There are currently about 55,000 vacant full-time teaching positions in the United States, and teacher applications aren't catching up with demand. Offering a supportive synchronous learning environment will not just benefit students but also provide facilitators with the tools and support they need to help children learn.
How to Create a Successful Synchronous Learning Environment
It can be challenging to switch from asynchronous learning to a synchronous environment. You'll need qualified, experienced teachers who can teach classes on set dates and times. You may need technical support to set up synchronous online courses for students who aren't tech-savvy and/or may lack the needed IT equipment.
At Proximity Learning, we have more than 15 years of experience matching certified, experienced teachers with schools in need of qualified instructors and top-quality classes. We offer K-12 instruction, summer school, tutoring, and special education case management. We also adapt to meet the needs of IEP and 504 students.
Synchronous and asynchronous learning don't offer equal outcomes. Students deserve the best education possible and live in-person or online communication plays a key role in enabling learners to reach their full potential. While it may take time, hard work, and collaboration with third-party educational service providers to offer students synchronous learning opportunities, the end result is more than worth the effort.
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